Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Importance of Teaching Sex Education to Children

Rape In America

It's no doubt that Rape in America is a major concern.  In fact, chances are that you live close to someone who has been a victim of Rape.  Here is the break down of Rape in America...

44% of Victims are under the age of 18.
80% are under the age of 30.

Every 2 minutes another American is Sexually assaulted.
237,868 Rape Victims each year.

60% of sexual assaults are never reported to the Police.
97% of Rapist will never spend a day in jail.

Approximately 2/3 of assaults are committed by someone the Victim Knows.
38% of Rapist are Friends or Acquaintances.

These statistics can be found at the RAINN website.

If 38% of Rapist are Friends or Acquaintances, then that means a large portion of the remainder is a Direct Family Member.  Yes, you heard that right.  Only a small percentage of Victims are Raped by someone that they don't know.

According to Statistics Brain, about 10% of the Ra[es happen in a shared home by the Victim.  That's an alarming number.

Rapes Around The World

Most people think of America as a pretty safe place to live.  Yet, when you start to compare it to the rest of the world, things just don't add up.

In the vast majority of Muslim countries, Men who are found guilty of Rape are actually executed.  They do not deserve to live.  Which might explain why Egypt has one of the lowest Rape Rates in the world according to Nation Master.  Granted most of these statistics are from 2008 and need to be updated.

Out of the top 50 countries, Egypt actually has the lowest Rape Rate in the world at a 0.0001 person per every 1,000 people.  The country with the highest rating of Rape?  That would be Lesotho with 0.844 Victims per 1,000 people.

If you did the Math with the American Population at 313.9 million, you would find out that about 0.076 people in every 1,320 are a victim of Rape.  Looking on the Scale and adjusting the formula for per 1,000 people, would put us somewhere between Czech Republic at #17 and Denmark at #14.

Sexual Presence in Culture

Everyday, we go to work, we earn money from our job, we pay the bills, we buy our kids stuff, we buy them Music and Video Games...Wait huh?  What about the ratings on that CD you're picking up for your kid?  What about that Video Game?

Many parents often times pick up Video Games and Music without thinking about it's content.  They don't even look at the ratings anymore.  Well, most don't, but while working in Wal-Mart, I actually met one parent who cared about what games were kid friendly.  Most just run out and pick up whatever game their kid wants.

Parents should always look on the back for the Mature Rating Games.  If it says 17+, chances are your 10yo shouldn't be playing it.  Yet, it seems to be unavoidable in today's society.  Some parents are leaner than others when it comes to their kids.  So, here's a great article that tells of a perspective on Children and Sex that is included in today's Media.

Her take, yes she's a female, is that Girls are going to take things into their own hands if you don't educated them at a young age.  Many parents often think of their kids as too young.  Yet they don't realize how resilient kids are today.  If you keep something from them, they're likely at least going to be interested in it.

The above mentioned female took matters into her own hands and started learning about sex, STDs, and how to take care of her body.  At about the age of 9.  It interested her because her parents denied her the knowledge she sought after.  The forbidden fruit is tempting to all ages.  Don't believe me?  Think about how many Underage Teens Drink Alcohol just because it's illegal?  Do I have your attention yet?

Censorship is a Curse

Many people argue that Censorship is a good thing.  Personally, I believe that it's a curse.  Censorship is wrong and it should be reconsidered in America.  Many countries in Europe have fewer Censorship regulations and have less crime.  You can't tell me that Censorship Prevents Crime.  No, I say No.

This PDF actually demonstrates that there is no relation between Pornography and the increase of Crime what so ever.  People don't watch videos and become Criminals.  That would be like me saying anyone who watches a Horror film and gets entertainment out of people being Murdered, is a Psycho and should be put in a Mental Institution.

Some would argue that Horror Films are made Specifically with Entertainment Purposes in mind.  Well, that's an even scarier thought than someone who watches Porn.  You're telling me that you actually get an entertainment factor from watching Blood, Guts, and who knows what else spill out on the Big Screen?  Ha, America is Far worse off than I thought.  Even if it is fake.

Video Games have been blamed for Crimes in the past and probably will far into the future.  I beg the differ.  Sales in Japan are much greater per Capita than are in the United States.  The Japanese Love their Games.  In fact, Japan has one of the lowest Crime Rates in the world.  The Difference?  Severe Punishment systems for Breaking the Law.

Take the Homicide rate in countries that have stricter and harsher punishments.  America has a 4.7 person rate per 100,000 people.  South Korea has 2.6 and Japan has 0.3.  The safest place for Homicide Rates?  Apparently it's Monaco with a whopping 550 Police task force per 35,000 people.

Take Back Your Children

Are you going to sit there and let the Media of today dictate when and how your kids should learn about Sex Education?  It wasn't too long ago that Parents actually took an active roll into teaching their Children.  The Birds and The Bees is a very important topic for children.

If you don't teach them, someone else will.  If the Educational System doesn't teach them by the time they turn 10 years of age, then someone might take advantage of them before then.  Don't let your child become a Victim.

Teach them about their rights.  Teach them that they can say No.  Teach them that if they get touched or hurt by someone, that they should tell someone immediately.  Teach them that the person who dares harm them, has more to fear than you do.  Teach them responsibility, but also make sure they know the importance of not blaming someone for something that they did not do, just because they don't like the person.  Children will be children, but they need our guidance along the way.

So, whose going to teach your children?  The Media or You?

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